Thursday, 31 January 2013

Busy busy busy

Next week is going to be a very busy one for me.
Doctors on Monday, along with a blood test.  I have to go every two weeks because I'm on Sulfasalazine (just to check my full blood count and liver functions, make sure it isn't killing me from the inside).
On Tuesday I've got a monthly review, just paperwork for my university, along with a four hour company meeting (free lunch :D).
On Monday and Tuesday, we are releasing a commercial and first beta (software engineering, fun times).
Wednesday I have my last meeting while in testing, and Thursday I move back to developing (I get swapped between both every 3 months).  Thursday evening I'm on the train home (yay :)) and it's Sootie's first time on the train.
Friday is a trip to the GI consultant and physio.
Phew, long week ahead.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Recipes - Chicken Stir Fry

This is one of my favourite quick dishes. It doesn't contain any of my trigger foods and is really rather healthy.
  • Cubed chicken breast (one fillet per person)
  • Vegetables of your choice (I went for cabbage, mushrooms and carrots)
  • Beansprouts
  • Rice noodles (these are better for you than egg/wheat noodles)
  • Some oil (for frying)
  • Soy sauce
  • Optional: honey
  1. Heat oil and soy sauce (and honey) in frying pan/wok
  2. Fry chicken until cooked all the way through
  3. Move chicken to separate dish and fry vegetables and beansprouts (you may need to add some more oil/soysauce)
  4. While vegetables are cooking, boil rice noodles
  5. When vegetables are finished cooking, add chicken
  6. When rice noodles are ready, divvy everything out and enjoy

Challenge Accepted

I set myself a challenge today - walk a 10km race.
I usually walk about 1km a day (I get a lift to work) so I'm 1/10 of the way there.  I have until 11th May, so I reckon I can do it.  I've just got to buy some proper trainers first.
I'll be walking for charity, F.O.R.T.H. and Crohn's and Colitis UK.  If you would like to donate please use the button below or on the right side bar. Thank you.