Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Wednesday Wonderings: Manic Drivers

Every Tuesday is pretty much the same for me after work:
  • I get a lift home from work
  • I do my weekly shopping
  • I get a battered sausage and chips from the local chippy (the owners know me pretty well now :) )
  • I walk back to mine, enjoy my dinner then race to belly dancing
I recently started learning how to drive.  I know, I'm a bit late but I've always been a bit worried that my arthritis would stop me.  I've always been wary of other people on the road, as a passenger, driver or pedestrian.  But when you cross the road on a zebra crossing, you (as a pedestrian) have right of way.  Everybody knows that.  But this maniac nearly ran me over while I was half way across the road.  They swerved round me, thankfully, or else I'd probably be in hospital now instead of writing this post.

There are so many dangerous drivers out there.  Two of my dad's colleagues, about 5 years ago, got run over on a zebra crossing, a hit and run job.  They both needed time off and one ended up in hospital with a broken hip.  People need to remember their highway code.

Something I've noticed while driving is that people drive way too close to other cars.  My first time on a dual-carriage way, someone decided it would be a good idea to drive so close I couldn't even see their headlights.  I really felt like braking and teaching them a lesson, but it wasn't my car and my driving instructor would probably have gotten in trouble for it.  When my dad drove me back to Loughborough on Sunday, people on the motorway really annoyed me.  There'd be plenty of room between two cars, or just about enough room for braking, and then a 'clever' car would nip into that space.  Does that driver not realise that he's not only taken away the person behind's braking time-space, but also he's not got one either?  If the car in front brakes or slows down dramatically, he's just cost probably not only his life/car, but the person behind him too.

I love how I've only just started driving, but I already have passive-aggressive road rage :)

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